About company

About company
About company
Sudakov Group's mission is to achieve practical and sustainable results for our partners.
Our main instrument in project implementation is strategic dialogue. We become a link between stakeholders, combining the competencies of the project participants, identifying the synergy and economic benefits of the parties.

The solutions we offer are based on a comprehensive analysis of the market and its trends. We involve the expertise and resources of institutional investors, large businesses and state corporations in the implementation of projects.

History of the company

The idea of ​​creating a company appeared in 2018 in the course of a discussion about optimal models of government office, in which business takes on part of government functions.
This is how the first project implemented by SG experts was born - the development of electronic commerce and logistics in the Republic of Tatarstan. Tasks were defined to develop the economy of the Republic as a whole, create conditions for business development with an emphasis on attracting investments, job creation, optimizing business processes of departments, studying the specifics of interdepartmental interaction and communication with business.

In February 2019, Alexey Sudakov began a project in his capacity as the Advisor to the Entrepreneurship Supporting Fund of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan with a focus on the digital economy, e-commerce, and logistics.